Yoga is a life of self discipline based on the tenets of “simple living and high thinking”. It is suitable for all ages and levels of fitness.
It involves:
Proper Exercise - ASANAS
The asanas, the physical exercises, are non-violent and provide a gentle stretching that acts to lubricate the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other parts of the body. Asanas help to tone the nervous system, improve circulation, release tension, and increase flexibility. When performed in a slow and relaxed manner, they are designed to develop more than just the physical body. They also broaden the mental faculties and enhance the spiritual capabilities.
Yogic Breathing - PRANAYAMA
Deep breathing helps to cleanse and nourish the physical body.
Proper Relaxation
When the body and mind are continually overworked and stressed, their natural efficiency diminishes. Yogic methods retrain the mind and muscles to relax completely.
Positive Thinking and Meditation
The body needs a balanced mind that can stay in control. Positive thinking will purity the intellect, and you will begin to experience wisdom and inner peace.